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Paul McCarthy

Paul McCarthy has wide experience in the various modalities of Western Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, and Classical Chinese Medicine. Paul has also been interviewed by a number of journalists on various topics and has written a variety of articles for the Irish Medical Times.

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After completing training in General and Psychiatric Nursing and postgraduate training in Operating Theatre and Rehabilitation Nursing in various hospitals in Dublin, Paul McCarthy graduated with distinction from the New University of Ulster, in Northern Ireland, as a Nurse Teacher.

He lectured in Psychology, Psychiatry, Medicine and associated subjects at St John of God Hospital and St Michaels Hospital in Dublin for six years. He was Director of in-service training during this period. He then worked for an international Hospital Management company as Director of Medical Recruitment where he gained experience of healthcare systems throughout Europe, North America, Middle East, Russia and the Far East.

Over the past 30 years he has completed training in Holistic Medicine, Counselling, Management, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine from such diverse organisations as the Acupuncture Foundation of Ireland; School of Chinese Herbal Medicine, Oxon, UK; Irish Management Institute; Institute for Advanced Research in Asian Science and Medicine, New York; Orientacion Holistica, Mexico; Institute for the Development of Emotional and Life Skills, USA and Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, China.

Paul McCarthy - Academy of Classical Chinese Medicine

In 1999 Paul McCarthy established the Summerhill Clinic in Co Dublin, Ireland as a centre of excellence for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Therapies provided include Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, Physical Therapy, Homeopathy, Chiropractic, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Therapeutic Massage, Tuina and Psychotherapy and Counselling. Over the past number of years he has attended seminars on Classical Chinese Medicine with Jeffrey Yuen in Europe and the United States. As founder of the Academy of Classical Chinese Medicine he is very keen to promote a greater awareness among practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the spiritual and philosophical roots of their profession.

Paul McCarthy’s Education & Work Experience to Date:


Diploma — Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine

Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China.


Diploma — Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine

The School of Chinese Herbal Medicine Nether Westcote, Chipping, Norton, Oxon UK.


Lic. Ac. — Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine

Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China.


Dip. Ac. — Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine

AFI (Acupuncture Foundation of Ireland), Dublin.


Certificate — Traditional Chinese Herbs (2)

AFI & Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China.


Certificate — Traditional Chinese Herbs (1)

AFI & Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China.


Certificate — Executive Development Programme

Irish Management Institute, Dublin.


Certificate — Holistic Medicine

Orientation Holistica A.C. Mexico


Core Skills in Management

Irish Management Institute, Dublin.


Certificate — ”Stress Management”

The Institute For The Development Of Emotional And Life Skills
Penn. State University, USA / St John of God Hospital, Dublin.


Certificate — ”Family Assessment”

The Institute For The Development Of Emotional And Life Skills
Penn. State University, USA / St John of God Hospital, Dublin.


Certificate — Chinese Acupuncture & Traditional Medicine

Institute for Advanced Research in Asian Science And Medicine
W.H.O. World Symposium, New York, USA.


Diploma in Therapeutic Massage

Irish Health Culture Association, Dublin.


Certificate — Counselling Skills

The Institute For The Development Of Emotional And Life Skills
Penn. State University, USA / St John of God Hospital, Dublin.


R.N.T. (Distinction) — Registered Nurse Teacher

The New University of Ulster, Northern Ireland


Certificate — Operating Theatre Techniques

Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Dublin 7.


P.R.R.N. — Rehabilitation Certificate

National Medical Rehabilitation Centre, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.


R.P.N. (Honours) — Registered Psychiatric Nurse

St. John of God Hospital, Stillorgan, Co Dublin.


R.G.N. — Registered General Nurse

St. Michael’s Hospital, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.

Postgraduate Courses & Seminars


Death and Dying in Chinese Medicine (October)
Jeffrey C Yuen - Locarno, Switzerland

Wellness and Healing from a Daoist Perspective (October)
Jeffrey C Yuen - Locarno, Switzerland

Chinese Plant Medicine as a Path to Cultivation (September)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland

The Wonders of Plants in Healing (September)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Energetics of Herbs Used in Chinese Medicine Based on the Principles of Wellness, Restoration and Therapeutics
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Herbs Used in Chinese Medicine for Wellness and Longevity (April)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland


The Philosophical Influences on Early Acupuncture and their Significant Applications (Las influencias filosóficas en la antigua acupuntura y sus aplicaciones clínicas) (December)
Jeffrey C. Yuen - ACCM/ Monica Martin - Barcelona, Spain.

Qigong for Self Cultivation (Qigong para el auto-cultivo) (December)
Jeffrey C. Yuen - ACCM/ Monica Martin - Barcelona, Spain.

Using Channels as Roadmaps to Transcendence (September)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Metaphors of Symptoms (September)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Chinese Medicine and its Shamanic Roots (July)
Jeffrey C. Yuen - Daoist Healing Arts, Santa Fe New Mexico, USA.

The Art of Healing through the Teachings of Ma Dan-Yang (April)
Jeffrey C Yuen - Xin Shu Academy, Rome, Italy

Zheng Jing - San Jiao Meridian (April)
Jeffrey C Yuen - Xin Shu Academy, Rome, Italy

The Narratives Inherent in the Primary Channels (April)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland

The Stories We Weave for Healing and Illness (March)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland


Mind – Consciousness and its Frontiers – from the perspective of Shamanism, Daoism, and Classical Chinese Medicine (September)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Epidemics & Chinese Medicine (April)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland
SHANG / TRAUMA (November)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Exploring the Shamanic Origins of Classical Chinese Medicine
American University of Complementary Medicine, San Francisco, USA. – Master Jeffrey C. Yuen

Alchemy and Chinese Medicine (September)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Qi Heng Zhi Fu - Curious Organs and Chinese Medicine (Organy Cudowne i Medycyna Chińska) (September)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Krakow, Poland.

The 'MIND' in Chinese Medicine & Chinese Medical Visual Diagnosis (August)
Jeffrey C Yuen - Riga, Latvia.

Shamanism & Stone Medicine (February)
Tucson, Arizona. USA February.
Daoist Healing Arts / Master Jeffrey C Yuen.

Chinese Constitutional Therapy – The Morphological Form Viewed from the Perspective of the 5 Temperaments (March)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland 

Daoist Meditation – The Microcosmic
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland 


Transcending Tools through Presence “Journeys” to the Various Realms (November)
Jeffrey C Yuen / International Tai Chi Institute – New York, USA

Autoimmune & Chronic Diseases in Classical Chinese Medicine (October)
Jeffrey C Yuen / European Shiatsu School, Warsaw, Poland

Altering Destiny – Changing “Reality Journeys” to the Various Realms (October)
Jeffrey C Yuen / International Tai Chi Institute – New York, USA

The Liver Channel of Classical Chinese Medicine (October)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Understanding the Shaman’s World – continued (June) “Journeys” to the Various Realms
Jeffrey C Yuen / International Tai Chi Institute – New York, USA

The Gallbladder Channel of Classical Chinese Medicine (June)
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Understanding the Shaman’s World - Exploration of the “Realms of Consciousness” (May)
Jeffrey C Yuen / International Tai Chi Institute – New York, USA

Sacred Landscape of the Body (April)
Tapping into Ethereal (Hun) & Corporeal Soul (Po) of the Body
Jeffrey C Yuen / International Tai Chi Institute – New York, USA

Resonance, Dissonance & Congruence (March)
Cultivation of Diagnosis of Vibrations & Energy
Jeffrey C Yuen / International Tai Chi Institute – New York, USA

Mapping the Human Energy Field (February)
Observation of Humanity as Potential Manifestation of Divinity
Jeffrey C Yuen / International Tai Chi Institute – New York, USA

Early Daoism – Shamans & Faith Healers (January)
Observation of Nature as the Healer
Jeffrey C Yuen / International Tai Chi Institute – New York, USA


The Spirit of the Practitioner & The Divergent (Jing Bie) Channels
Jeffrey C. Yuen Studiecentrum Pakua Netherlands. 

 The Kidney & San Jiao Channels of Classical Chinese Medicine and WuJi Qi Gong – based on the Shangqing Daoist Tradition. (October)
Jeffrey C Yuen ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Cultivating Presence / Healing Touch and Sun Style Tai Chi Chuan.
Montreal, Canada. (August)
Daoist Healing Arts / Master Jeffrey C Yuen.

Primary Channels: The Bladder Channel of Classical Chinese Medicine Wellness through the Seasons:Using the Guiding Principles of the Seasons for Health & Healing.
Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Tai Chi Chuan / Qi Gong Wu Dang Mountains, Shiyan, Hubei, China
Jeffrey C Yuen

Stones & Spiritual Cultivation Tucson, Arizona. USA February.
Daoist Healing Arts / Master Jeffrey C Yuen.


Primary Channels: The Heart & Small Intestine Channels of Classical Chinese Medicine

Life after Cancer –  Staying well when the surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are over.
Jeffrey C Yuen — ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Qi Gong & Daoist Meditation – Tai Yu Shen Gong (Alchemical Qi Gong)
Jeffrey C. Yuen – Riga, Latvia.

Chinese Food Energetics and How to Assist Outcomes for Major Diseases
Daverick Leggett – Irish Register for Chinese Medical Herbalism, Dublin, Ireland

Primary Channels: The Spleen & Stomach Channels of Classical Chinese Medicine. Qi Gong: The 6 Healing Sounds
Jeffrey C Yuen — ACCM Dublin, Ireland


Teaching from the Daoist Canon: Jing Cultivation and the Mysteries of the Huang
American University of Complementary Medicine, San Francisco, USA. – Master Jeffrey C. Yuen

Taoist Cannons: Tai Yi Jin Hua Zhong Zhi – The Secret of the Golden Flower – Daoist Meditation.
Curentur Institute, American University of Complementary Medicine, San Francisco, USA. – Master Yuen

Primary Channels: The Lung & Large Intestine Channels of Classical Chinese Medicine.
Daoism: Zouwang: Sitting and Forgetting
Jeffrey C Yuen — ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Hip, Shoulder & Spinal Manipulation – Chinese Reflexology
New York, USA.

Spirit of the Chinese Medical Plants
Daoist Healing Arts / Master Jeffrey C. Yuen. — University of New Orleans, LA, USA.


A Journey in Chinese Medicine and Daoism — The Inner Chapters of Chuang Tzu
Daoist Healing Arts / Master Jeffrey C Yuen — Alaska

Navigating the “Art” of Chinese Medical Pulse Diagnosis – A Heart Centered Approach to Wellness
Jeffrey C Yuen — ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Daoism and Symbolism in Chinese Medicine
Medicine as Rites and Ritual
Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts. — Asheville, NC. USA


Understanding the Dao De JingQi Gong Cultivation from the Jade Purity Tradition of Daoism
Daoist Healing Arts / Master Jeffrey C Yuen — Reykjavik, Iceland

Chinese Medical Aromatherapy Empowering the Self to Confront Illness
ACCM Dublin, Ireland

Understanding the Phenomena of Change and the Dynamics of the Shen (Part 1 and Part 2)
Jeffrey C Yuen / Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts. Asheville, NC. USA


Nan Jing Classic of Difficulties: Lo studio dei Classici: il Nan Jing dlle antiche consecenze ai risvolti nelle practica quotidiana
Master Jeffrey Yuen — AMSA / Xin Shu, Rome, Italy

Pulse Diagnosis
Master Jeffrey C Yuen — Daoist Healing Arts / Tomales Bay, California, USA

Invoking the Spirit of Sun Si Miao
Master Jeffrey C Yuen — Daoist Healing Arts / Asheville, North Carolina, USA

Qi Jing Ba Mai — Eight Extraordinary Vessels All Diseases are rooted in the Spirit (ling Shu)
Master Jeffrey C Yuen — ACCM, May, Dublin, Ireland


Traditional Chinese Nutrition
Master Jeffrey C Yuen — Daoist Healing Arts / San Ignacio, Belize, Central

AmericaJing Bie — Divergent Meridians
Master Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM, Dublin, Ireland


Cancer Care & Classical Chinese Medicine
Master Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM, Dublin, Ireland


Sinew Channels of Classical Chinese Medicine
Master Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM, Dublin, Ireland

Acupuncture Retreat — Dao De Jing, Ophthalmology etc.
Daoist Healing Arts, Nova Scotia, Canada

Qi Gong Exercises for Patient & Alchemical Acupuncture
Master Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM, Dublin, Ireland


Chinese Medical Morpho-typology
Academy of Chinese Healing Arts, Winterthur, Switzerland

Pulse Diagnosis / Channels and Collaterals
Master J Yuen — Daoist Healing Arts, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

The Theoretical Foundations and Clinical Applications of the Luo Channels
Master Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM, Dublin, Ireland


Luo Vessels and Shen Disturbances & Pulse Practicum
JCY (3 days) — ACUM San Francisco, USA Spiritual Development for Healers

Spiritual Development for Healers
Master Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM, Dublin, Ireland

The Channel Systems of Classical Chinese Medicine
Master Jeffrey C Yuen – ACCM, Dublin, Ireland

David Leggett — Food as TCM Therapy
Acupuncture Council of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland


Interpreting Western Laboratory Blood Tests — Classical Chinese Medicine Perspective
Master Jeffrey C. Yuen — New York, USAFacial Diagnosis in TCM
Lillian Bridges — Dublin, Ireland

Qi Gong Alchemico and Obstetrics & Gynaecology in Classical Chinese Medicine
Associazione Medica per lo Studio dell’Agopuntura, Rome, Italy


Manifestations of Shen (Classical Chinese Medicine)
Jeffrey C. Yuen — Maryland Acupuncture Society, Columbia, Maryland USA

Jing Bie / Divergent Meridians & Their clinical Applications for Auto-Immunity
Jeffrey C. Yuen, Regent’s College, London, England


Tongue Diagnosis — Barbara Kirschbaum
IRCHM at Teacher’s Club, Dublin, Ireland


Eight Extra Meridians (Classical Chinese Medicine)
Jeffrey C Yuen — Regents College, London, England


Integration of Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine
I presented a paper on: “Use of Clinical Trials As A Measurement Of Efficacy In Traditional Chinese Medicine”
Organised by WHO, IOMS and ISESCOWHO, Cairo, Egypt.


The Treatment of Gynaecological Disorders with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Michael McIntyre — R.T.C.M.I. Dublin, Ireland


Eight Extraordinary Meridians & The Treatment of Mental and Emotional Problems with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Giovanni Maciocia, Acupuncture Foundation, Dublin, Ireland

Paul McCarthy’s Education & Work Experience to Date:

2006 - present

Founder & Director — Academy of Classical Chinese Medicine

1999 - present

Founder & Director — Summerhill Clinic, Complementary & Alternative Medicine Clinic. Specialising in Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Chiropractic / Neurology, Physical Therapy, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Massage, Homeopathy, Counselling and Psychotherapy.
(1 Summerhill Parade, Sandycove, Co Dublin)

1991 – 1999

Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine
— Blackrock Acupuncture Clinic (Sunnyside, Seafield Avenue, Monkstown, Co Dublin)
— Greystones Acupuncture Clinic (Cova, Trafalgar Rd. Greystones)

Lecturer — Western Medical Sciences and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture Foundation of Ireland (Dublin)

1987 – 1991

Recruitment Manager / Project Development — PARC International Healthcare / Hospital Management (St John’s Court, Swords Road, Santry, Dublin 2)

1985 – 1987

Senior Medical Recruitment Consultant — PARC International Healthcare / Hospital Management (St John’s Court, Swords Road, Santry, Dublin 2)

1979 – 1985

Nurse Teacher — Director Of In-Service Training
— St John of God Hospital (Stillorgan, Co Dublin)
— St Michael’s Hospital (Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin)

1976 – 1979

Staff Nurse
— St John of God Hospital (Stillorgan, Co Dublin)
— National Medical Rehabilitation Centre (Dun Laoghaire)
— Mater Misericordiae Hospital (Dublin)
— St Michael’s Hospital (Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin)

1972 – 1976

— St John of God Hospital (Stillorgan, Co Dublin)
— St Michael’s Hospital (Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin)

1970 – 1972

Rehabilitation Assistant
— National Medical Rehabilitation Centre (Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin)


Articles & Interviews

Obtaining and Maintaining Wellness and Optimal Immune Health during the current Covid-19 Pandemic / Feardemic

Please click the following link if you prefer to read (and print) this article in PDF format (opens in a new tab) Obtaining and Maintaining Wellness and Optimal Immune Health during the current COVID-19 Pandemic / Feardemic Paul McCarthy Academy…


Chinese Medicine: Many Parts one Whole

Interview by journalist Arminta Wallace with Paul McCarthy on various spects of Chinese Medicine.


Interview with Paul McCarthy on the Role of Acupuncture in Pregnancy

Anne Bolger, Director of impregnantnowwhat.com, interviews Paul McCarthy Practitioner of Classical Chinese Medicine on the role of Acupuncture for Birth, Pregnancy and Beyond


The Use of Clinical Trials as a Measurement of Efficacy in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Presented by Mr Paul McCarthy (Ireland) at the International Conference on Integration of Traditional Medicine (Complementary/Alternative) and Modern Medicine. Organised by WHO (World Health Organisation) and IOMS (Islamic Organisation for Medical Sciences) Under the Patronage of His Excellency Professor Atef Ebeid, Prime Minister of Egypt.


Specific Acupuncture Points Modulate Specific Brain Functions: Evidence from Functional Neuro Imaging

Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of healing known to mankind. It is part of the traditional medicine of China, which also includes herbal medicine, exercise, massage and nutrition. Acupuncture developed through extensive observation and clinical testing over the last 4000 years as a system of medical theory and practice, which is different from, but no less valid than, Western medicine. It has its own consistent theoretical concepts, philosophy of health and disease, theory of disease aetiology, system of disease classification and coherent diagnostic and treatment framework.


How Safe is Chinese Medicine

Oriental Herbs — Western Drugs Recognition and Prevention of Adverse Interactions


Safety of Herbal vs Orthodox Drugs

Safety of herbal vs. orthodox drugs is one of the key issues under consideration by the Irish Medicines Board (IMB).