The Healing Process is a natural manifestation of the body-mind-spirit continuum. As a process, it can refer to the alleviation of signs and symptoms; the movement toward completion; or simply the awareness that something needs to change in our lives. Daoism has played a major role in the development of Chinese medicine and provides important perspectives on the various aspects of health and healing. In this talk Master Jeffrey Yuen explores the evolution of Daoism and how it can be utilized to improve one’s health and healing.
Jeffrey Yuen is an 88th generation Daoist Priest of the Yu Qing Huang Lao (Jade Purity School). His lineage does back thousands of years. As he comes from an oral tradition the information that Jeffrey imparts is unique and not found in modern textbooks.
Daoism is the inherent religion of China and one of the oldest ongoing philosophies of the world. Its beliefs focus on the fundamental questions of life – the existence of the divine (Dao), the destiny of life (Ming), the presence of good and evil (Xian), and the guidance for the path of living a fruitful and cultivated life.